West Wilts Classic Car Group mid week meets

West Wilts Classic car group Mid Week Meets

Next meet – April 17th 2024 from 6pm
The Pear Tree Pub, Whitley, SN12 8QX

By popular demand, we now return to our 3rd Wednesday evening meetings each
month from 18:00. Hoping this fits in with everybody who can make the meetup
during the evening.

The West Wilts Classic Car Meeting is something nice to look forward to each month
and an excuse to exercise your classic car. Whether you bring a classic or something
modern it does not matter. The important thing is to get out and chat with like minded
friends. Since its inception in the summer of 2021, the distribution list has now grown
to over 100 people. Our venue stays the same at the wonderful Pear Tree hosted by the
lovely Jackie.

Its been wonderful to meet new enthusiasts at this growing event with such a diversity
of cars making an appearance. If you have not been to this event and fancy meeting some new friends at this low key meetup, then do come along.

If you would like to eat, please contact The Pear Tree direct and mention the Classic Car
group and they will attempt to put us in the same area. Otherwise you can have a drink
and there is a chance that you can eat in the Bar/Outside and of course you may wish to
attend just to have a drink.

Forthcoming dates for your diary:
Wednesday 17th April (1800); Wednesday 15th May (1800)

Please email if you wish at steve@teamhaven.com with any questions

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