The C&H AGM 2019

Please note this event has now taken place and booking is closed

Date(s) - 17/03/2019
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm



The Annual General Meeting of the Classic & Historic Motor Club Limited will take place at 2:30 pm on:

Sunday 17th March, 2019

at the Village Hall, Stanton Drew, BS39 4EL

All paid-up members of the Club are invited to attend.

All positions on the Committee are open for nomination. Nominees must be proposed and seconded by two Club members, and must have agreed to the nomination.

Please note: All nominations for the Committee must be submitted in writing to: The Secretary at: 3 The Avenue, Yatton, North Somerset BS49 4DA, for receipt not less than seven days prior to the AGM.

Any Formal Resolutions should be submitted in writing and received by the Secretary (see above), in order that 42 days notice of any such Resolution may be advised to the membership via Classix magazine.

Any Member who requires a copy of the minutes of last year’s AGM should contact the Secretary or any Committee member.

Note: The Village Hall is close to The Druids’ Arms pub in the centre of Stanton Drew. There will be ample car parking in the village field.

Prior to the AGM, why not join us for

Sunday Lunch

Members attending this year’s AGM are invited to a pre-AGM lunch at 12:00 noon on Sunday 17th March, 2019 – see Classix magazine for more information.